How to Deal With a Difficult Team Member

Apr 17, 2020
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There is always one, and we all had to deal with it once or twice in our lifetime.

But we want to help you make sure you deal with that one difficult team member in a professional manner.

There is always one, and we all had to deal with it once or twice in our lifetime.

But we want to help you make sure you deal with that one difficult team member in a professional manner.

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How to Deal With a Difficult Team Member

Not everybody is meant to work well in teams. Most of us have been part of a team either in school or sports or later in your life and work. Teamwork is what makes things happen, but sometimes there is this one team member that will drag the whole team down. Today we’re going to give you five tips on how to deal with difficult team members. Get ready to up your game. When you have one-on-ones focus on your difficult team member ask about their career expectations on what’s good what’s bad and how you can make it easier for them to have a better experience at work. Now you’re gonna set a PI meeting or a performance improvement meeting, here you’re gonna create a safe place for team members to share the things they enjoy about the other team members but also to talk about things that other people should improve. You’re gonna help them to create a plan and you’re gonna follow up on it

Now that you have a PIP or performance improvement plan you’re gonna help them out to set milestones. These milestones are not just an option, they’re actually part of their work and you need to make it clear that is the way for them to grow up in the company.

Not everybody is meant to work well in teams, it doesn’t matter how much you try, sometimes you will not make this person adapt to teamwork. If you really want to keep this person try to give them some more individual tasks, otherwise you’re gonna have to learn to let it go.

Hopefully, these five tips are gonna help you smooth things up with your team and making them work closer and better together so let us know about your own experience on the comments below and see you next time We really want to hear from you, so make sure you leave a comment in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe.

We’ll see you next time

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