LiveChat helps you delight your customers and fuels your sales.

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LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales.

Trusted by 36,000+ companies

LiveChat helps you delight your customers and fuels your sales.


Customers expect support for products they buy. Besides that simple fact, nothing is obvious or given about customer service. In Support we cover the best ways to improve the customer experience and make sure your customers come back for more.

Tips for Mastering Ecommerce Support in Your Store

Customer service is a crucial factor in the customer’s decision to do business with a company. Salesforce research shows that 91% of customers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience with a brand. Also, 78% are willing to forgive a... read more

12 minutes
Jul 8, 2024

Connect with customers

LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales

Best Free Live Chat Apps for Your Business

Live chat is a powerful tool that can revolutionize customer service. It allows you to provide instant answers, build relationships, and boost engagement. It can also help you generate leads and qualify them for sales.  In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of live... read more

20 minutes
Jul 4, 2024

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How to Exceed Customer Expectations

When customers interact with a company, they have preconceived notions about how that interaction will unfold, influenced by previous experiences, word of mouth, and marketing promises. These expectations are customers' standards and assumptions about the service they will... read more

10 minutes
Jun 12, 2024

Is Customer Orientation the Key to Business Success?

Do you believe that having a great product is the key to financial success? Think again. The true secret to long-term business success lies not just in what you sell but in how you make your customers feel.  This is where customer orientation comes into play—it can transform... read more

13 minutes
Jun 5, 2024

Customer Success Metrics: The Key to Growth in Every Industry

Running a business is a complicated affair. You have to juggle so many different responsibilities, from labor and logistics to market research and product development.  However, despite the many ways entrepreneurs must split their attention, the recipe for success boils down... read more

24 minutes
Jun 3, 2024

Customer Communication Management: Tips and Tools for 2024

Effective communication with customers isn't just a bonus—it's essential. Customer communication involves every interaction your business has with clients, from support tickets to promotional emails. The way your company communicates with your customers has become more crucial... read more

10 minutes
May 22, 2024

13 Common Customer Service Problems and How to Solve Them

Resolving customer issues swiftly can have massive results for your business. Higher customer satisfaction, retention, loyalty, and improved bottom line are just some of them. This is how powerful good customer service is.  On the flip side, consider the fallout from poor... read more

16 minutes
May 20, 2024

Great Customer Service Quotes and What You Can Learn From Them

Short quotes can be super powerful. They can capture big ideas in just a few words. Whether it's something touching, thoughtful, or just a reminder about something important, quotes are like little nuggets of wisdom. In this article, we're exploring inspirational customer service... read more

13 minutes
May 17, 2024