10 Best Public Speaking Tips – Part 1

May 7, 2020
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Afraid of Public Speaking? You are not alone! Learn to prepare for your keynote with this easy to follow Public Speaking tips

Afraid of Public Speaking? You are not alone! Learn to prepare for your keynote with this easy to follow Public Speaking tips

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10 Best Public Speaking Tips – Part 1

Don’t sweat it, I talked in many conferences with hundreds of people and I still get nervous

Public speaking is the number one thing people fear the most, with death coming later number five. It’s just that feeling of standing in front of an audience that makes you want to run and hide, but don’t worry is not that bad, and today we have five things you can do in order to prepare yourself for next time you are facing an audience so get ready to step up

The first thing you want to do is to know. Remember that when you come from a place of knowledge people will listen thre’re always going to be someone who knows more than you, but if you learned your subject very well it’s going to give you extra confidence before you face your audience

Breathe most public speakers make the same mistake they ran out of air in the middle of a sentence so what you want to do before you face the audience is just to sit down fill up your lungs with air, hold it there for 10 seconds, and then let go slowly. If you do this three or four times before you face the audience you get to control to your excitement levels and you’re gonna control the way you breathe as well

Don’t sweat it. I talked in many conferences with hundreds of people and I still get nervous even if it doesn’t show, but someone gave me a really good advice once, that that fear and anxiety that you feel before facing an audience is exactly the same feeling that you get when you’re excited, when you really want to do something. So try to convince your body that is not fear it’s actually excitement that you really want to do this

Take your time. I know that little pause in front of hundreds of people it feels like forever but don’t worry you need that space. Not only to put your mind and your thoughts together you need that little space for people to digest what you’re saying. So if you need a pause take a pause people will not notice and just keep going

Be yourself. I don’t know you but I’m sure there’s something that people likes about you try to find that and use it on your advantage try to use that in the stage so people can relate to you and people can enjoy what you’re saying. Remember that it’s not about what you’re saying it’s about how you’re saying it. there are many other things you can do but start with these fights and let us know how they work for you if you have any ideas just let us know in the comments thank you for watching

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