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LiveChat helps you delight your customers and fuels your sales.

Business management

Live Chat Metrics Explained in Human Terms

Don't you hate it when you're trying to figure out your live chat metrics and all you get are a bunch of confusing numbers? Or spending a lot of time every day looking at Google Analytics and trying to find what data you need this time? Setting up proper analytics can be daunting... read more

Wojciech Pollok
13 minutes
Jan 18, 2023

Startup Incubator and Accelerator Are Not One and the Same

You want to start a business. Your idea of what your product or service will do is crystal clear. You’re excited about telling the world about it and selling it to your target audience. Still, you lack a few essential factors: office space to work from, advice from more... read more

8 minutes
Jun 9, 2022

Connect with customers

LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales

Status Quo = Status No: Decision-Making in the Digital Age

Making decisions and implementing changes are in the job description for leaders and managers. Mistakes can often be corrected, but being indecisive and not being able to make decisions are business killers.  Being a great leader is not always about making the best... read more

19 minutes
May 19, 2020

How to Make Data-Driven Employee Training Decisions

Employee training can bring you countless benefits, some obvious and some welcome, yet surprising, side-effects. However, not all employee training programs bring the desired results. You could be using the best knowledge management software and still not get what you expected... read more

8 minutes
Dec 20, 2019

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How to Enhance the Quality of Business with Just 7 Simple Tricks

As we move towards a more digitized sphere in terms of marketplaces, competition in business gets stiffer every day. Whether you are a financial advisory firm or an online ecommerce platform, it is imperative that you bring in new tactics to improve the qu­ality of your business.... read more

Arif Rashid
6 minutes
Jun 21, 2018

5 Ways Your Company Can Benefit from Hosting Hackathons

Who said that work has to be dull? Working can also be a source of fun, especially if you work in a nice environment, you’re working on an interesting project and you have a chance to self-develop. It’s double-fun if you can prove yourself right and win a sweet prize! Wait a... read more

5 minutes
Mar 23, 2018

Ways of Creating and Maintaining a Positive Company Culture

Having a group of people who are bound together by a common interest is a strategy that only works in the short-run. Therefore, your company, no matter how small or how new, cannot be only profit-oriented. In order to make a great long-term basis for its growth, expansion and... read more

Ian Pearson
5 minutes
Dec 28, 2017

How Vanity Metrics Gamble with Your Business

Vanity metrics are the perfect Cloak of Invisibility. “How is it going?” your boss asks. “Fantastic, our website had thousands of views last month!” you answer. “Did they like what they saw?” wants to know your boss. “They sure did, they spent around 3 minutes on this website... read more

4 minutes
Apr 11, 2017

10 Top Business Lessons Small Businesses Can Learn from Amazon

While Amazon’s annual revenue has recently soared to more than $135 billion for the fiscal year 2016, making it the world’s eighth largest retailer, there are still many core lessons that small business owners can learn from how this giant rose to greatness. Here are 10 top... read more

Ryan Robinson
6 minutes
Apr 3, 2017

Free Tools that Will Get Your Small Business or Startup Going

A lot of guides and articles aimed at small businesses often suggest getting tools that are simply too expensive. Startups and small companies often don’t have the means to shell out a couple of hundreds of dollars for an enterprise-grade solution. Even if it is the best thing in... read more

13 minutes
May 13, 2016

How to Do Market Research the Easiest Way

For many beginning entrepreneurs, market research is a waste of time. They kind of understand that market research is beneficial for business, but very often they take for granted that their ideas are great. They don’t want to check if their potential customers think the same way... read more

6 minutes
May 9, 2016