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Conversational Banking: Top 5 Benefits of Using Banking Chatbots

Mobile devices have become a banking channel for communication. 75 % of customer interactions with banks happen online or via mobile apps. We use mobile apps to easily check our balance, quickly transfer money, or take small loans out in the comfort of our home. A fun fact is... read more

5 minutes
Jun 24, 2020

Connect with customers

LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales

AI and Machine Learning in the Healthcare Industry

Finding new medical therapies for existing diseases is becoming more and more challenging. Safe drugs for many common illnesses have already been found. Now, scientists are looking for new ways of treating incurable conditions. But this search isn’t easy. Nine out of 10 drugs... read more

7 minutes
Jun 3, 2020

Anticipating Disruption with Conversational Advertising

Conversational advertising is upending traditional approaches to advertising. Print, radio, TV, and online advertising have all had their moments in the spotlight, but the interactions they produced were largely the same: a one-way impression forced on the viewer or listener.... read more

8 minutes
Mar 10, 2020

The Empathy Economy: Marrying AI and Customer Service

Theodore Roosevelt was ahead of his time when he said, “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” Of course, Roosevelt couldn’t have predicted the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the advent of the very recent... read more

9 minutes
Mar 3, 2020

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