Advanced Group Manager
Advanced Group Manager
Manage a large number of groups with ease using Advanced Group Manager
$19 / mo, per license
Developed by Tweak Chat
Works with   LiveChat

Update 5.11.2020 We've changed app placement. Now, you can find AGM in the settings section:

Easily manage a large number of groups. With Advanced Group Manager, you can:

  • Duplicate existing group
  • Copy all group settings to others
  • Copy selected group settings to others

Key Features

Duplicate an existing group
No more changing all the default settings for a new group
Copy all group settings
Update settings in one group, then copy to others
Copy selected group settings
Changing form content no longer has to be time consuming
Copy targeted messages
Copy greetings and announcements
Coppy canned responses and tags
Synchronize agent tools between groups


Save your time
Managing multiple groups becomes much easier
Be flexible
Check easily which settings convert best

Tutorial & Support

App tutorial and setup instructions how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account.
To get help and support contact Tweak Chat. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Advanced Group Manager.
The developer Tweak Chat indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy.
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