Emotion Tracker
Emotion Tracker
Analyze your customers' mood and see how truly effective your customer support is.
$2.50 / mo, per agent
Developed by Frito Click
Works with   LiveChat

The Emotion Tracker integration analyzes customers' messages and shows you how truly effective your customer support is.

By providing the average mood of a customer’s messages, we give you a suggestion of where the problem could be. On this basis, you can then concentrate on the most critical customer issues.

Conversations are analyzed for the sentiment on a negative to positive scale. From the beginning to the end, we help you consider customer satisfaction from all angles.

Key Features

? Live sentiment analysis
Keep track of the customer’s mood and emotions during the chat, based on the natural language processing of the chat history.
? General sentiment
Aggregated result tells you the overall sentiment of the chat.
? Study the results
Available graphs and charts help you to see the course of emotions during the chat and how your responses affected your customers' moods.
? Supports a wide variety of language
10+ supported languages with automatic detection, from English and Spanish to Chinese and Arabic.
? Create reports
All reports can be saved to a CSV file.


Get a better understanding of your customer experience
Integrating Emotion Tracker allows you to get a lot more useful information about your customer support.
Recognize the needs of your customers
With live tracking you can comprehend the needs of your customers better and react in a fitting manner, resulting in a much better experience for both sides.
Reduce the amount of time you spend on collecting data
No more wasted time analyzing chats, trying to see what you could have done better.

Tutorial & Support

App tutorial and setup instructions how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account.
To get help and support contact Frito Click. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Emotion Tracker.
The developer Frito Click indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of user data. You can learn more in the app’s Privacy Policy.
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