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How AI Enhances Customer Support in LiveChat?

Wojciech Pollok
6 min read
updated: Jul 18, 2024

AI-powered technologies have been a game-changer for communication and customer service enrichment. Our LiveChat product AI updates are packed with advantages that will boost your customer experience and make you want to use our services like never before!

AI Illustration

This article explores the benefits of AI-related initiatives. Our intention is to uphold these commitments throughout the deployment process, ensuring our product is built upon a secure and robust foundation.

What are some of the benefits of the AI features in LiveChat?Link icon

  • Reduced wait times: AI facilitates instant answers to common questions automatically, 24/7.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: AI offers more tailored and human-like experiences than traditional self-service options.
  • Increased efficiency: Agents benefit from AI-driven response suggestions and chat categorization tools. 
  • Consistent accuracy: AI can minimize human error by providing consistent and accurate responses.
  • Optimized agent availability: By handling routine inquiries, AI allows agents to tackle more complex issues.

Overall, AI can help businesses provide faster, more personalized, and more efficient customer service.

What AI features are available in LiveChat?Link icon

LiveChat offers a variety of AI features tailored to refine communication and enhance customer support.

Do I need to take any additional actions to use the AI features in LiveChat?Link icon

AI features are seamlessly integrated into the LiveChat product so you can use them immediately. There is no need to sign an AI addendum or provide additional consent. This is because AI features are considered part of the standard LiveChat product and are therefore covered by our Agreement, as outlined in our Terms of Use

How do I get started with the AI features in LiveChat?Link icon

To get started with the AI features, simply log in to your LiveChat account. You will see all the AI features available on your price plan.

Is your AI chat truthful and fair?Link icon

While AI technology offers significant benefits, it is important to recognize its inherent limitations. As with any technology, the AI features, including our AI bot in LiveChat, are prone to error and may occasionally provide inaccurate, outdated, or misleading information. Despite their sophistication, AI-driven features may rely on data that may be outdated or not entirely accurate. Please note that the accuracy or reliability of the AI bot in LiveChat isn’t guaranteed.

It’s useful to understand the phenomenon known as “hallucination” in AI, where the system may generate statements that appear logical but are not factually correct. For this reason, it is advisable to approach AI-generated information with a skeptical eye and verify it with reliable sources to ensure its veracity. 

Moreover, when utilizing AI-generated outputs, it’s essential to process this information responsibly to ensure non-discrimination and compliance with privacy laws. Even if the AI’s output is factually accurate, it should not promote or reinforce any form of discrimination. This means avoiding stereotypes, biases, and prejudiced statements or assumptions. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you verify the accuracy and relevance of the AI information provided, especially in situations that require accurate and up-to-date knowledge, as we are not liable for any errors or inaccuracies that may occur using the AI models.

The AI models, like those used in LiveChat, are trained on extensive data, including interactions with many different users. Consequently, the AI features in LiveChat may occasionally produce similar or familiar responses to other customers due to the extensive training and exposure to a wide range of queries and conversations. This does not mean that the responses are not accurate or helpful. Knowing of this possibility, you can critically evaluate the information provided and seek additional clarification if necessary.

Responsibly using the AI features within LiveChat product, particularly in customer service, requires a high level of vigilance and awareness of their limitations. By reviewing results and ensuring ethical use, you can maximize the potential of AI technology in a beneficial, ethical, and legally compliant manner.

Who owns the outcomes from the AI features?Link icon

At LiveChat, we firmly believe that the outcomes generated by our AI features belong to you, our customer. This includes any insights, responses, or results produced by our AI technology during your use of LiveChat. We respect your ownership and ensure that the value created by these AI integrations directly benefits your business.

How does LiveChat ensure GDPR compliance when using AI?Link icon

When we select an AI partner as a sub-processor with a primary focus on communication and customer service enrichment, we finalize a data processing agreement to secure the exchange of information. We authorize these partners to process your data in accordance with and only for the purpose specified in our Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum (DPA).

Our DPA binds these partners, and any international transfer of personal data is carried out under the terms of the DPA, using Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) as a transfer mechanism. The details of data transfers can be found here.

What data is shared with the AI-authorized partners within LiveChat?Link icon

We do not share data to train the AI models of our suppliers. Queries are not utilized to train and improve the AI partners’ models.

When you use certain AI features within LiveChat product, specific data you provide is shared with authorized AI service providers to enhance customer support. The data shared intentionally includes:

  • Input you provide during LiveChat onboarding
  • Content of agent-written messages
  • End user queries
  • Chat content when an agent transfers a chat or generates a chat summary
  • Agent-selected input
  • System responses
  • Other related metadata

AI-authorized partners do not use these interactions to build personal user profiles.

Where do AI-authorized partners, like OpenAI, store data within LiveChat?Link icon

Input and other content are stored in accordance with the storage and hosting policies of each authorized AI partner. For example, OpenAI stores data on its systems in the US and around the world.

How does LiveChat protect data privacy during AI training?Link icon

At LiveChat, we take your data privacy seriously. We use customer data to improve our AI features, but we never share it with other customers. Here’s how we keep your data secure when training our AI:

  • Your data is never mixed: We ensure that your data is never mixed with anyone elses, ensuring the highest level of privacy.
  • Sharing only what’s needed: We only share the data necessary for the AI to work properly. We don’t share anything more, and we definitely don’t use your data to train other companies’ AI models.
  • Encrypted connections: All data going to and from our AI partners is encrypted, like a locked vault. This extra layer of security protects your data from unauthorized access.
  • Transparency is our policy: We’re upfront about how we handle your data. Our Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum explains exactly when and how we might share your data with the trusted partners who help us run LiveChat, including our AI partners.
  • Your data, your choice: You have the right to control your data. You can request that we delete your personal data from our systems, following the guidelines set out in the GDPR.

We encourage you to check out our Privacy Policy for a more detailed explanation of how we handle your data.

By putting your privacy first, LiveChat creates a safe and secure environment where you can benefit from AI-powered customer support.

So what are you waiting for? Start using LiveChat’s AI features today and don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your customer support to the next level!

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