This Is the Secret to Doing Storytelling Right

May 5, 2020
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Once upon a time, there was an overused buzzword called “storytelling.” Follow this advice from Marcos on how to do it right and write a compelling story. The end?

Once upon a time, there was an overused buzzword called “storytelling.” Follow this advice from Marcos on how to do it right and write a compelling story. The end?

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This Is the Secret to Doing Storytelling Right

People don’t stay in one place for too long if you don’t give them something to stay for

Storytelling is one of the most used buzzwords in marketing these days everybody’s telling you to “tell your story”, “people will listen if you tell a story " but the reality is that there are millions of stories online every hour so why your story is gonna be different? why your story is worth listening? Today we want to bring you some tips on how you can make your story a more unique story

Start by shocking them start by saying something that will make people turn around and listen to your story. You want people to ask for silence because they want to say: wait, I want to listen to this guy. If you use things like “You’re more likely to date a supermodel then get a royal flush in poker” or “You’re more likely to die on your birthday than any other day of the year” people would turn around and say What was that?? and then you’ll get their attention.

Now that you have their attention you need to pump it up. People don’t stay in one place for too long if you don’t give them something to stay for, so give them little by little more and more information make your story more and more interesting, little by little so by the end, people don’t want to let go

Now it’s time to twist it up a little bit most people will be waiting for a climax in your story but when you give them a little twist you catch people off-guard they will stay with you longer that will be thinking, what just happened?? think for example in The Sixth Sense what happened to Bruce Willis, that’s unexpected and make you stay longer and appreciate this story more

now make sure you give them closure, people were fed with all this wonderful story, they got pumped up, they got the twist, but you need to have a little recap of everything that they just watched try to reinforce the idea that you really want them to take with them and let them go with that feeling in their mouth. so there are many ways to structure your story but don’t forget that people will come back for the value every time you structure the story make sure you have something interesting to say something that people wants to remember and focus on that. Don’t forget that after all you connect with people through emotions and those emotions are the ones that are gonna make them come back to your stories so that’s it for today

I hope this tips will help and see you next time.

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