Check out our report — it’s based on data from over 25,000 LiveChat customers, representing 30 industries and 150 countries.


First of all, thank you for being a loyal reader of our newsletters throughout 2021. Every month, we do our best to deliver top-quality features and content, and we couldn’t be more thankful to you for joining us on this journey to remove communication barriers. Your engagement is the best motivation we can get, and we promise to exceed your expectations in 2022.

The end of last year was pretty busy, and we haven’t had a chance to tell you about some of our latest releases — like Ask for email — until now. On top of that, we’ve summarized a year’s worth of customer service data for you to dig into, and we’ve built it into a new tab in our Customer Service Report. Now, let’s get down to business!

We’ve just added a new tab to our interactive and customizable Customer Service Report. Now, you can look back and compare the results for key LiveChat customer service metrics between 2020 and 2021. The report gives you an insight into the state of live chat customer service across different industries and locations worldwide, so you can get an idea of what’s coming your way in 2022.

The report is based on data gathered from nearly 25,000 LiveChat customers between January 2021 and December 2021. Take a look at the top 5 metrics and check out the whole report for more.

See the report

Sometimes, your agents are so busy they can’t handle all the chats at once. If a visitor hasn’t heard from an agent for a while, you can still keep your lead engaged by asking for their email address. All you need to do is set up an automatic message to inform customers that your agents are busy at the moment and ask for contact information. You can also set up the length of time after which you’ll, well, ask for an email.

Check out the Ask for email tutorial in our Help Center, or head over to the LiveChat app by clicking the button below.

Ask for email

I bet many of you have faced the dilemma of which chat to reply to first at least once. Since we rolled out writing in the queue, agents can preview messages from visitors before choosing who they’re going to chat with.

Visitors can type their first message while waiting in the queue, and agents can immediately see it in the LiveChat app. Prioritizing pending chats has gotten much easier, and the user experience that much better.

Here’s what’s in it for you:

  • Much better experience for visitors
  • Increased number of chats
  • Shorter chatting time
  • Better prioritization of issues
  • Increased retention of visitors in your queue
Learn more

— that’s if you switch dark mode on, of course. The new version covers all of the Chat Widget elements, including text areas, targeted messages, forms, rich messages, and buttons.

Dark mode is a chat widget modification that inverts colors, displaying light texts on dark backgrounds. The result is easier on the eyes, especially at night, improving the user experience and accessibility of your chat widget.

This update is only the first small step in a big plan to enhance our chat widgets. Expect more news from us soon!

Enable dark mode

Looking for new business-building opportunities? Don’t miss out on becoming a member of the Solution Program and benefitting from the new tier system we’ve recently introduced there. The new structure of the program supports your company by giving you even more opportunities, allowing you to strengthen your online presence and grow your customer base.

To make the structure more transparent and easy to understand, we’ve created a tiers & benefits guide. Apart from addressing all the whys behind the project, this guide shows you what requirements are needed for each tier, what benefits you can get, and how you can claim them.

Learn more

Growth is one of the most important objectives for any company, apart from survival. And when we think about business development, one of the things we have to consider is the cost of acquiring new customers. It’s crucial to make sure that it doesn’t exceed the total earnings you receive from your new clients.

If you want to calculate your customer acquisition cost, all you have to do is divide the overall costs spent on getting new customers by the number of clients you managed to acquire through these initiatives. For instance, let’s imagine you invested $3,200 in a marketing campaign that brought in 155 new customers — this translates into a CAC of around $20.65. Pretty simple, right?

Read on to find the formulas, how to reduce your CAC, and more.

What’s CAC?


Who wouldn’t say yes to that! Managing a product comes with many responsibilities. When something breaks down, it’s usually only a matter of time before customers start asking for an explanation.

With the Statuspage integration, your agents can quickly and easily share the recent status of your services with your customers. Thanks to the new integration, emergency control becomes more efficient, and you can focus more of your resources on resolving the issue, rather than hastily replying to incoming messages.

Get Statuspage

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