Get more feedback
with comment ratings
Comment ratings in Live Chat application
Your customers can now leave short comments when rating an agent. This gives you additional information about what went good or bad during the conversation.
Easy access to archived comments
New filters in Live Chat
Three new filters: Commented, Commented good, Commented bad will allow you to quickly jump to the commented chats in the Archives. The last comment is always visible at the top of the archived chat, making it easier to review.
Tag your chats to monitor popular cases
Tagging feature in Live Chat
Adding tags to all of your chats will help you get the big picture. By filtering your LiveChat Reports and Archives by a specific tag, you will be able to get detailed customer service data for specific cases. Learn more…
Gather feedback after each chat
Post feedback in Live Chat
Turn each finished chat into a chance for some constructive feedback by creating a post-chat survey. In the survey, you can ask about the agent’s performance or let the customer to leave a comment. Learn more…
From our Blog
How to get more feedback from customers
Get more feedback
The more feedback you gather, the better your business decisions can be. See how The Chat Shop, a professional customer service company increased the number of ratings they get after each chat by introducing a simple message to their conversations. Read more…
In other news
Log in with Google Account and 2-step Verification
Log in with Google
Your agents can now use their Google Accounts to log in to LiveChat. This makes the log in process faster as they don’t have to type in their emails and passwords every time they log in. Learn more…
Use 2-step verification in Live Chat
Team, Enterprise and Enterprise Plus users can also increase their security by using Google’s 2-step Verification when logging in to LiveChat. This makes any unauthorized login attempts nearly impossible. Learn more…
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