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Customer service

22 Best Live Chat Plugins for WordPress in 2024

A WordPress live chat plugin allows you or your customer support agents to communicate live with your website visitors. You can message customers in real time for great customer satisfaction and assist them with purchases. Some plugins offer real-time visitor monitoring so you... read more

20 minutes
Feb 28, 2024

8 Customer Service Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job

The first step toward securing a job often begins with a single piece of paper: your resume. It's not merely a document. Whether or not you're invited to the next stage of the recruitment process relies solely on the quality of your resume. Right now, you might be asking yourself... read more

22 minutes
Oct 5, 2023

Understanding the Client vs. Customer Dynamic

The terms client and customer often get tossed around casually. However, understanding the difference between the client and customer is vital for any successful business strategy. The distinction between the terms may seem subtle, but it carries important implications,... read more

6 minutes
Oct 4, 2023

Tips for Positive Customer Service Team Attitude

Picture this: You start a chat to file a complaint and the customer service representative greets you with a nice message, ready to assist you. They listen attentively to your needs, offer helpful suggestions, and go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction. How does that make... read more

7 minutes
May 23, 2023

Why is Customer Service Important?

Once upon a time, there was a small bakery called Sweet Delights. They made the most delicious cupcakes in town. Everyone who tried them raved about their unique toppings and perfect flavor. However, despite having a great product, Sweet Delights struggled to attract repeat... read more

10 minutes
May 11, 2023

The Definition of Good Customer Service

When reading about good customer service examples, it's easy to dismiss them as flukes. Someone raved about the amazing customer service they just received? The problem wasn’t probably that difficult to begin with. A friend recommended a service that offers a near-instantaneous... read more

18 minutes
Apr 24, 2023

How to Identify Customer Needs – A Guide to Finding Out

Every business starts with a simple goal: to meet customer needs. Whether selling a product or offering a service, the ultimate goal is to provide something your customers want and need. But as competition grows and customer expectations change, understanding those needs becomes... read more

12 minutes
Apr 11, 2023

How to Write a Customer Service Email

Have you ever received a frustrating customer service email from a company? It's an experience that can leave a sour taste in your mouth and make you less likely to do business with them in the future. To avoid disappointing your customers in the same way, it's crucial to... read more

19 minutes
Apr 5, 2023

From Patience to Problem-Solving: 25 Customer Service Skills

In today's highly competitive business landscape, delivering exceptional customer service is more important than ever. With so many options available to consumers, businesses need to ensure they are providing a high level of service to stand out from the competition. To do this,... read more

19 minutes
Mar 6, 2023